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12.9.06 (beta) un buen servicio con condiciones de uso un poquito mejor que la media

Presentamos un servicio de ideal si tienes madera de showman-woman y quieres montarte un videoblog para iniciar tu carrera como estrella mediatica... Además sus condiciones de usuario no son las peores, no te exigen derechos irrevocables, ni perpetuos... aunque seguro que se cubren bien las espaldas:

"When you upload or post content to, that content become public content and will be searchable by and available to anyone who visits the site. does not claim ownership of the materials you post, upload, input or submit to the site. However, by posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting your content to, you are granting, its affiliated companies and partners, a worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, transfer, transmit, distribute and publish that content for the purposes of displaying that content on or for any other non-commercial use of that content."

Tambien te ofrecen asistencia y tutoriales para videomakers nóveles y la oportunidad de ganar dinero con tus videos. Visita y utiliza (beta) y nos envias tu Feed para poder seguirte ;-)


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