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eyespot, el colmo de los colmos (de la apropiación de derechos)

En Referencias.TV nos estamos planteando muy seriamente ofrecer un servicio honesto de alojamiento de videos. Honesto y respetuoso con tus derechos de autor...

Hoy nos hemos llevado un gran jarro de agua fría...
Después de descubrir y estudiar una iniciativa de código abierto, bonita y muy interesante de sistema operativo web, del que ya os daremos cuenta por que pensamos colaborar en la iniciativa... hemos caido en la web de, todo un descubrimiento de las posibilidades de web 2.0 (o casi me atrevería a decir de web 3.0)
Además de ofrecernos subir a la red nuestros videos y material multimedia, eyespot nos ofrece un servicio de edición en el propio navegador-browser sin necesidad de instalar sofware en nuestra máquina. Trabajamos sobre los clips ya cargados en su servidor con su software, francamente genial. Además nos ofrecen material libre de derechos para que podamos completar nuestras ediciones... y una red social para compartir, colaborar, publicar en canales... Todo fantástico...
Llegamos a las condiciones de uso y nos encontramos, tras el preámbulo, un maravilloso párrafo-artículo que casi nos hace llorar de emoción:
Your media (including without limitation text, video, photographs, graphics, images, music and sound that you have created) are yours. We claim no intellectual property rights over the material you have created and provided to Eyespot (other than the limited license grant right outlined below). You can delete your media and modify and/or remove associated content at your discretion."
¡Suena a gloria! y continuamos la lectura para ver en que consiste esa "licencia limitada"... y nos encontramos esto:
(es un poco largo pero no tiene desperdicio)
"You grant Eyespot and its affiliates, successors, assigns, and licensees a nonexclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, license to do the following with any and all content in all forms and media now known or hereafter developed, that you upload to the Services, or otherwise provide to Eyespot (collectively "Your Content"): reproduce, use, create derivative works based upon, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, transmit, and/or otherwise exploit Your Content, and create derivative works based upon Your Content.
You own the copyright in any of Your Content that is created by you (provided it is not created for an employer or as part of a "work for hire" arrangement). You can choose to keep Your Content private from other Eyespot users, in which case the other Eyespot users have no right to use Your Content. However, if you do choose to make Your Content available to other Eyespot users through the Eyespot website, you agree that Your Content is made available under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Legal Code (Attribution 2.5) (the "Creative Commons License"), which is available here. The Creative Commons License allows others to copy, distribute, display and perform Your Content, and to make derivative works and commercial use of Your Content without paying any royalties to you. However, users are required to acknowledge your authorship and may only reuse or distribute Your Content under the same Creative Commons License. Please read the full terms of the Creative Commons License to understand your rights -- and the rights you are granting to others -- before sharing Your Content with other users of the Eyespot website. A right, primarily honored in Europe that protects a creator (and his or her heirs) against distortions of the work and its attribution, is outlined below. This helps protects users in the Eyespot mixing community and is addressed with the following:
You irrevocably waive any and all "moral rights" that you may have in any of Your Content, including but not limited to the rights of paternity or integrity, and rights to claim authorship in relation to any of Your Content, or in any other works or content in which it is incorporated. Eyespot does not currently support an eMarket whereby you as a user of the Service can charge for Your Content. If/when Eyespot does offer this additional service, our terms of use will change to support it. However, currently if the user were to benefit from remuneration from subscriptions or sales of Your Content title-by-title, Eyespot and the user may have to pay royalties to others (e.g. MPEGLA). Due to this, Eyespot requires the following waiving of rights: You expressly and irrevocably waive any rights to receive any fees of any kind (including without limitation public performance fees if applicable, and any share of advertising revenue of any kind received by Eyespot in connection with the Services or otherwise), for use of Your Content as set forth in this Agreement."

Y lo justifican diciendo que es para cubrir las necesidades de remezcla de la comunidad!!!
Por suerte no te piden las llaves de tu coche, la escritura de tu casa, la targeta de crédito, ni te preguntan que le gusta desayunar a tu mujer...
Encima la página se titula: "Welcome to eyespot". Welcome to the Jungle sería más apropiado.
Si quieres utilizar esta web ¡tu mismo! No nos ha quedado muy claro si es un nuevo movimiento altruista por la liberación total de los derechos de autor o sencillamente se aprovechan de que la gente, como mucho, se lee los dos primeros párrafos de semejante texto legal...

Tal y como está la cosa os recomendamos editar con Movie Maker (quien tenga una licencia Windows) y alojar vuestros videos en un hosting de pago o en el que ofrece vuestro proveedor de internet o algún otro servicio gratuito, despues de repasar minuciosamente las condiciones de uso.


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